two takes on every topic

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

You Tube and Google-Giant Merger

Google and You Tube are my buddies. I mean, I refer to them as if they were people I hang out with on a regular basis. "Yeah, that Google, he told me the most hysterical thing about how shrimp have walking legs and swimming legs." Or, "you would not believe what You Tube showed me today. Have you seen the political ads for Vernon Robinson? Man, You Tube really blew me away with that one!" So, to me, it just makes sense that my two good friends, Google and You Tube, would get along so well that they want to work together, too.

On a more serious note, I wonder if Google may be stretching too far. On the one hand, Google will help fund You Tube, a site that was having trouble gaining revenue from adverts. Google can help protect You Tube from lawsuits and such. On the other hand, Google has blogs, email, search, maps, calendars and so much more. They want to organize the world's resources in one long, but fell swoop. At what point do they go from being an innovative industry leader to a hoarding industry giant? I am just not sure.

On a total side note, Google does feed its employees delicious foods. In CA, they have chefs cook fresh lunch for the Google employees and in other satellite office, they have lunch delivered. I hope the You Tube guys get some sweet, free food!


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