About us: Meet Amy

Amy, 27, Jill-of-All-Trades and hopeful Archivist/Curator, happily attached
As a pastor's kid (or PK, as we are often called), I was born to go against the grain, push the envelope and test other people's convictions. My ordinary outer appearance neatly conceals my borderline deviant, highly imaginative and somewhat acerbic personality. I strive to be a thoughtful, caring, aware person though my passion and stubbornness occasionally makes that goal hard to achieve. By 8, I was telling the girls on the playground that I'd had my tubes tied and would adopt children. By 9, I was sneaking into my mom's room to read the sex scenes in her Harlequin romance novels. By 10, I was obsessed with World War II (both Pacific and European) and the Holocaust, reading every memoir, novel and history book I could get my hands on. By 12, I had written two research papers about the My Lai massacre and how the Vietnam war seriously destroyed the psyches of many young people. By 14, I tormented my Sunday school teachers with questions I knew would embarass them in front of my peers. In spite of that, by 16, I was baptized. By 19, I was completely disillusioned, wondering how God and the Big Bang Theory could both be truths and how Christianity could create so many judges and so few mirrors. By 20, I was debating with my dad about the minimal differences between the Arthurian myth and the story of Jesus, informing him that if we worhsip Jesus, we should worship Arthur. At 22, I cried with many others as I watched the Twin Towers collapse, worrying about some very dear friends who lived nearby. At 23, I cried again when I heard Jim Jeffords defending the Constitution and challenging Congress to perform the duties which it had sworn to do. At 24, I entered graduate school to study theatre history and the development of pornography in 17th century England and France (try explaining that to your dad's congregation) At 25, I watched in shock and awe as our country re-elected our current Administration. And now, at 27, I still challenge the status quo. I still talk the talk, but I don't walk the walk. I want to see change, but I don't know how to initiate the change I hope to see. This restlessness combined with my insatiable curiosity about sex, hate, religion, and art (in all forms) creates my world view. It continues to develop from doing lots of research while closely listening to and observing others. I am irked by fundamentalism and the belief that any religious text is more than an allegory, frightened by hypocrisy (as an action by others and/or by me), intrigued by sexuality and how genders relate, and fascinated with literature as a record of history. Everyday I strive to increase my understanding of the world at large without losing my sense of humor or self.
You can write to me at sendittoamy(at)gmail(dot)com.